A Smile Makeover: How to Whiten Teeth While Wearing Braces

Wearing braces is a goal for many people.

You wear braces to have beautifully aligned teeth and a brighter smile. But that takes time! You have to wear it for a while for it to correct your teeth. Braces can also pose some challenges when it comes to keeping your teeth white. This may leave you wondering about teeth whitening. But what do you do when you’re wearing braces? Can you whiten your teeth when you’re wearing braces? Is it possible to achieve a brighter smile while those brackets and wires are doing their job?

What are the challenges you’ll face while whitening your teeth with braces? Don’t worry; you can still achieve whiter teeth even with those brackets and wires in place. Yes, there are effective ways to maintain a radiant smile even while your teeth are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here, we’ll walk you through some practical tips on how to whiten your teeth while wearing braces.

Tips on How to Whiten your Teeth while wearing braces.

Having braces doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice a bright, white smile. There are many effective ways to whiten your teeth while wearing braces. So, having braces shouldn’t hold you back from your goal of whiter teeth. Keep the below tips in mind, and you’ll be on your way to a dazzling smile in no time!

1: Professional Teeth Whitening

In-office treatments are typically safe for braces, and the orthodontic team will take precautions to protect your braces during the procedure. Professional whitening can be faster and your teeth will be whiter when compared with the Home teeth whitening Kit. This can take 30-45 minutes or may take one or two visits. However, the bleach won’t whiten underneath your braces. So, when your braces are removed, you will see where they were. Once your braces are removed your orthodontist or dentist can provide you with safe and effective options to enhance your smile properly.

2: At-Home Whitening Kits

It is similar to professional teeth whitening but the bleaching agent on it is less effective. Some at-home teeth whitening kits are designed for use with braces. These kits often contain custom-made trays that fit around your braces, allowing the whitening gel to target your teeth effectively. Always follow the instructions carefully.

3: Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste can be helpful, but it won’t work miracles overnight. Whitening toothpaste contains ingredients that can help remove surface stains on the surface of the teeth. It removes stains on the tooth’ surfaces, but does not penetrate deeper into the teeth so you won’t have any terrible surprises when it’s time to remove your braces. Use them as directed, and consult your orthodontist for recommendations on suitable whitening toothpaste products.

4: Use Whitening Strips

Whitening strips can be a useful tool for brightening your smile, even with braces. Strips mainly contain a peroxide whitening gel. This gel penetrates the tubules of the tooth and removes the stains from the teeth. Wear it between 20 minutes to 2 hours daily for 7-14 days or use it until you start seeing results. However, you should consult your orthodontist before using them. Many orthodontists always recommend Ekong Smile whitening strips. Their product won’t harm your braces and it comes with a desensitizer to help prevent tooth sensitivity.

How To Prevent Teeth Staining While Using Braces

1: Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

A brighter smile starts with proper oral hygiene. Even with braces, you should brush your teeth after every meal. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, brushing gently but thoroughly.

2: Water Flosser

Always use a water flosser to clean around and between the brackets and wires to remove food particles and plaque. It’s the best option when compared with dental floss.

3: Floss with Care

Flossing can be a bit trickier with braces, but it’s essential to prevent stains and maintain healthy gums. Use a floss threader or orthodontic floss to get between the wires and brackets. Be patient and gently to avoid damaging your braces or gums.

4: Choose the Right Toothbrush

Consider using an electric toothbrush with a rotating head. These can be more effective at cleaning around braces, helping to prevent stains and keep your teeth white.

5: Rinse with an Antibacterial Mouthwash

An antibacterial mouthwash can help kill harmful bacteria and keep your mouth clean. Swish with it after brushing and flossing to remove additional bacteria and plaque.

6: Avoid Teeth-Staining Foods

Some foods and beverages are known for staining teeth. If you have braces, it’s a good idea to limit or avoid foods like coffee, tea, red wine, and dark berries. If you can’t resist, be sure to brush or rinse properly after eating them.

7: Drink Through a Straw

When indulging in beverages that can stain your teeth, like sodas or fruit juices, use a straw. This minimizes contact with your teeth and helps prevent staining.

8: Maintain Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular visits to your orthodontist and dentist are important during your braces journey. They can professionally clean your teeth, removing any built-up stains or plaque that might be difficult to reach at home.

Important Considerations

Before you rush into teeth whitening, keep these essential considerations in mind:

1: Timing: 

It’s best to wait until your braces are removed to achieve your desired level of teeth whitening. This ensures that the colour is consistent across all teeth.

2: Sensitivity: 

Teeth with braces may become more sensitive during whitening procedures. Be prepared for potential discomfort, and discuss it with your orthodontist.

Where To Buy Teeth Whitening Products

Wondering about where to buy the Teeth Whitening products and other Oral care products? You’re at the right place. Just buy your teeth whitening product and other Oral care products from Ekong Smile manufacturer. They offer a huge range of Teeth Whitening products at discount prices. Contact Ekong Smile Today!


Having a whiter smile while wearing braces is possible with proper care and professional treatments. By maintaining excellent oral hygiene, being mindful of what you eat and drink, and considering professional options after your braces come off, you can work towards a brighter, more confident smile.